I might be a little belated in picking up a pair, but harems have finally parachuted their way into my wardrobe. I love the way they exude a breezy bohemian sense of movement while also leaving an edgy shadow. Comfort mixed with couture is luxury to me I guess. But to make harems ripple with even more galaxy glitter, I've paired them with a sequined cardigan that electricly charges the camera with a kaleidoscope of colour. For those that might not know, I have a lookbook account where this harem vibe has just been aligned ; http://lookbook.nu/look/844025-Rainbow-Warrior
And while I was under the prejudice that harems are only sweet in the Summer, I came across some knitted examples that look so inticing and eclectic for when the sun eventually hibernates.
And while I was under the prejudice that harems are only sweet in the Summer, I came across some knitted examples that look so inticing and eclectic for when the sun eventually hibernates.