I was thrilled to be contacted by graphic t-shirt brand ardentees recently, who were kind enough to send me a few of their inspired designs. They christen themselves as an intriguing visual exploration of the symbiotic relation between fashion and art, and I couldn't agree more. The t-shirts have a tattooed vibe to them, with calligraphy strokes woven into sharp electric stain moments. The designs look like matrix code from afar, and sci-fi romance up close. There's a Banksy style graffiti and an avant-garde Bjork esque delicacy, with explosions of red across the print. I've worn one of their tops with a navy blazer that is irresistible to all seasons. It looks great as a slim fit juxtaposed against parachuting pinstripe trousers. To get your own graphic print this season, head to http://www.ardentees.com/