It's hard to be homesick in the city when the countryside has seemingly ploughed its print on the pavements. The trends might have been all about vintage charity shop charm for a few years, but recently the 'must have' has gone to all new rural routes, where the farmer has never been so chic. Quilted and wax barbour jackets tractor past me every few minutes along Carnaby Street, with a tough emmerdale texture that looks like organic military from the wilderness. It's amazing to see an every day jacket unknowingly ticking the aesthetics for a number of trends; the quilt has a slight sci-fi bobble tone, the wax regiments with the army retail ranks, and the patchwork has all the Burberry city cool. I went home at the weekend, and alongside getting a new haircut at the barbers, I picked up my very own barbour which has veiny corrogated sleeves and a creamy quilted pop in the middle. Hope you like it. I've also just been enlisted as the fashion sub editor for the upcoming mens magazine, Conquer, set for publishing and release at the start of next year. It's already looking to be an enriched and inspired magazine, so make note!