I might not have run away with the gypsies to a festival this summer, or hibernated much in The Shire back home, but this hasn't stopped me being a sort of pixie in the city. Taking time-off from the trilby for a while, I've nestled my hay of hair into beanies in anticipation for the autumn rustle, giving that perfect bohemian slouch. Scrap influences from stubbled music-makers and undercover hippies however, as my recent style is a foxtrot towards the one they call The Fantastic Mr Fox. He might be created by crayons, but the suited corrogated vibe of that cartoon flickers autumn colours in the smoothest caramel of manners. Taking a few tips from the trendy animal of mischief, I'm wearing a cardigan that looks like rippling tree bark, a cut up jumper stained with fading flowers, a tie as a popping belt by Coral Garett, and amber coloured trousers that have a thick and earthy texture to them. My Dad's vintage brogues then top off the new season look. I've also posted below a few designers that offer little twists that catch my eye as summer hides. Stolen Girlfriends Club gives Amish a modern victorian juxtaposition, where sharp shirts meet tight punk shorts and unique harem tinted trousers. And Orschel Read gives couture an earthy interpretation, with layers of exotic carnival texture that even tip-toes into an urban sort of funk.