Monday, 7 September 2009

The Art Of Androgyny

Orschel Read presents a twisted concept, with clothes that stencil out like sinister insects. Black jackets spark out needles like a darkened bird of prey, locking with magnetic hair that resembles a kaleidoscope design. The staple jacket warps out at the back to create a hunchback effect, but still manages to corset in and look very wearable. Androgyny comes with this corset approach, making the outfits even more elusive and intriguing. Orschel doesn’t shy away from colour though, with the injection of lavender into one of his looks. The jacket blossoms out from the middle button like a flower in a Tim Burton fantasy garden. I like to think of his concepts as the ‘brother of Bjork’, with gothic fragility played around with. Orschel will be presenting his new collection at London Fashion Week on 20th September. I’m very much looking forward to it.

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